O. C. Johnson School is located within the Yuma Elementary School District. We educate 600 kindergarten through fifth graders, and we’re a tight-knit group. We thrive in our neighborhood community where each of our students is within walking distance of our school.

The Arizona Department of Education rates O.C. Johnson as a “Performing Plus” School. This means that we have met the state’s standards. Although we are proud of this rating, we feel we can do even better. Please read our goals below. We know that working hand-in-hand with parents and the community, we can reach even higher standards.

Mission Statement

OCJ’s mission is to prepare our students for college and career by focusing on

Setting goals and reflecting

Utilizing innovative resources to provide rigorous instruction

Collaboration in all forms

Celebrating successes inside and outside of the classroom

Engaging and empowering families

Systems that encourage inclusion and acceptance of every student

Search for the treasures that exist in all children

School/Academic Goals

  • Parents and staff will work cooperatively to meet each child’s academic, social, and physical needs through meaningful dialogue.
  • Administration and teachers will explore, select, and implement innovative and effective programs to ensure that all students will progress steadily in skill development.
  • Teachers will utilize developmentally appropriate strategies and materials to strengthen concepts, facilitate problem solving, and enhance each individual child’s academic opportunity.
  • Teachers will foster continual growth in all areas through effective instruction in fundamental skills, which will lead to mastery of identified school, district, and state academic standards.