Frequently Asked Questions

Can my child ride his/her bike or skateboard to school?

Students eight years old or older can ride their bikes to and from school. All bike riders must wear a helmet, and we ask that students carefully control their bicycles when traveling to and from school. Bike riders must walk their bikes across the crosswalks and while on the O.C. Johnson Campus. They must lock them in the bike rack area which is off limits to all students during school hours. We do not allow our students to ride rollerblades, skateboards, or scooters to school.

What should I do if my child is tardy or absent from school?

We strongly believe that regular and prompt attendance is extremely important to your child’s progress at school. We will consider your child tardy after 8:30 a.m. and after 10:00 a.m. we will consider him/her absent for a half-day. In case of a necessary absence, please notify the office by telephone during the first half hour of the morning, or prior to the beginning of school. It is a state requirement that parents or guardians notify the school of their child’s absence whether it is due to illness or family related situations. Our school secretaries will call the home if we don’t hear from the parents about an absence. Please help us to maintain your child’s safety by providing current phone numbers, addresses, and emergency phone numbers. We recommend that parents make the necessary arrangements concerning homework.

What should I do if my child has an appointment during school hours?

If your child should need to leave our school campus during the school day, please come to the office to check him/her out. When the student returns to school following the appointment, he/she must check back in at the office before returning to class.

Will O.C. Johnson provide bus service for my child’s transportation to and from school?

No. O. C. Johnson students do not ride the bus on a regular basis.

What meals does the cafeteria serve, and what is the cost?

Elementary Non-Pricing Schools: Carver, McGraw, OCJ, Roosevelt, and Pecan Grove

We know that breakfast is the most important part of the day. That is why at Yuma School District One, we offer breakfast at no cost. We serve breakfast from 8:10 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. Please join us. If a parent or child would like to join a student and purchase breakfast, the cost is $2.00. We also offer lunch to all students at no cost. If a parent or guest would like to join their student for lunch, the cost is $3.00. We look forward to serving you.

If your student brings a sack lunch from home, they may purchase a juice or milk for 25 cents to go with their meal.

What should I do if I would like to visit my child’s classroom?

We welcome and encourage parents to visit our campus before and after school as well as at lunch time. If a special visit is requested during the school day, please reach out to your child’s teacher or the office to make arrangements. Our goal is to not interrupt instruction during the school day, so teachers will set up a time that meets the needs of the classroom. You will be required to fill out a visitor form when approved for a visit. Please remember, we do have our Strong Families Program that arranges for PACT time (Parent and Child Together Time) in the classroom when you are part of the program.

Can I volunteer in my child’s classroom?

We invite and encourage parents to participate in the total educational program at O. C. Johnson Elementary School. We need volunteers and parents in the classroom to help facilitate learning and assist in programs throughout the school. Please contact your child’s teacher or the school office for more information.

What should I do if I need to get a message to my child?

In order to create and maintain the best learning environment for students, we will not interrupt them during instructional times. We ask that you please make all necessary arrangements with your child concerning his or her homework assignments, permission slips, and/or books before school begins. If you must contact your child, please leave a message with the school secretary, and she will relay it to your child. We will limit phone calls to parents if a student has forgotten an item, and we will deny a student the privilege if it becomes a habit.

What should I do if I would like to have a conference with my child’s teacher?

We will schedule report card conferences during the school year. At these conferences, the teacher, parent, and student will discuss the student’s individual growth plan and progress. We will send reminders and post it on the school marquee so you know when these will take place. However, if you would like to meet with your child’s teacher any other time during the year to discuss a problem or a concern, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher.

Does O.C. Johnson have a dress code?

OC Johnson is a uniform school. Our uniforms consist of red, navy, or royal blue polo shirts and khaki, navy, black, or dark denim pants, short, or skorts. We allow students to wear an OC Johnson shirt, but they must wear uniform bottoms. Uniforms must fit properly and cannot have logos or writing on them. Please also make sure that accessories are school appropriate and do not interfere with the classroom environment. If you have any questions please visit the office or message our Facebook page.

Is there a Lost and Found on campus?

Yes. The Lost and Found is located in the corridor by the cafeteria. We ask that students take valuable items they find to the office. Please be sure to mark your child’s name on all apparel, lunch boxes, and other personal items he/she takes to school. The district or school will not replace lost, stolen, or damaged personal property.

What should I do if my child must take medication during school hours?

O. C. Johnson Elementary School has the services of a full-time health aide. The health aide must be the one to administer all medications/pills, whether they are prescription or over-the-counter preparations. Please be sure to provide current phone numbers, addresses, and emergency information so that we can contact you immediately if your child becomes ill at school.

What is the school policy regarding immunizations?

Arizona state law requires that all students be completely immunized before attending school. Please arrange with your family physician or the county health department before your child begins school. We will exclude students who do not have the proper immunizations from school in the event of an epidemic. Please be sure to complete the special forms, available in the health office, for an exception to the immunization requirement. Please see the district website for more information regarding immunizations.