Our Mission
OCJ’s mission is to prepare our students for college and career by focusing on
Setting goals and reflecting
Utilizing innovative resources to provide rigorous instruction
Collaboration in all forms
Celebrating successes inside and outside of the classroom
Engaging and empowering families
Systems that encourage inclusion and acceptance of every student
Search for the treasures that exist in all children
Welcome to the website of O. C. Johnson Elementary School, the proud home of the Jaguars. We believe that good communication between school and home is essential to our students (your child’s) success. Please look for our monthly newsletter, Jaguar News, at the beginning of each month. This will outline monthly events and news at OCJ. Working together, we can provide many opportunities for each child to achieve successful academic and social growth. We hope parents will want to visit our school often and volunteer their time and talents, which tell our students that they and their education are important.
Please remember that we are a uniform school. If you have any questions regarding the uniform policy, please visit the front office. Also, please remember that in order to keep students safe, we ask that only employees and visitors with appointments use the parking lot. Please make sure to pick up and drop off your student in the designated area. Again, if you have any questions regarding our policies, please see the front office.
Our website will provide a list of our talented and dedicated staff, a school calendar of events, and a news page to highlight the great things going on at O. C. Johnson. We hope you will check out our page of frequently asked questions and, of course, if you need anything that you haven’t been able to find on our website, you are welcome to contact us directly.
A Message From Our Principal
“As an adult and treasure hunter, I am committed to search for all the talents, skills, and intelligence that exist in all children and youth. I believe that all students are capable of success…no exceptions!”
OJC is a Kids at Hope school…yay! This means that we connect, we believe, and we time travel. We will ensure that students have ACES (caring adults) and know that we believe that they are all capable of success. We will help them dream of a successful future and help them gain skills to reach those dreams.
We are also an AVID school. We will use AVID strategies in each and every classroom in order to ensure that we are providing every student an opportunity to be successful. Students will learn to be organized and will develop a growth mindset. They will also be engaged in rigorous lessons that aim at preparing them for college and career. This year we will focus on small group instruction with rigorous centers/stations as well as tracking our WICOR in the classroom.
At O.C. Johnson we will ensure that our students become productive citizens who succeed in life no matter what path they choose. We understand that the best way for us to support our students is to support our families and community members as well. For this reason, we are a community school. We have developed many partnerships with organizations around Yuma County that will help bring resources to our school to benefit all members of our school community. This is an exciting time to be a Jaguar, and we look forward to creating more partnerships to further enhance our school. We also have our Strong Families Program. Reach out to Amanda Salasibarra, our family literacy specialist, to see how you can join this awesome program.
As the principal of O.C. Johnson, I look forward to working with all members of the school community to provide the best environment for all students. We understand the importance of academic achievement but also know that elementary school is a crucial time where students build social and emotional skills. We know that with our combination of Kids at Hope, AVID, and Jaguar Pride, our students will be successful and confident now and in the future.
Our Facebook page is a wonderful place to stay updated on what is happening on campus. Please also look for our monthly calendar and our Jaguar News to stay informed. Jaguar Pride is running rampant, and we are so excited for all that is to come this year. Our future is bright! Go, Jaguars!
Yours in Education,
Angela Logan
Angela Logan, Principal